Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More

Friday, March 15: the Kirtland CU branch on KAFB is CLOSED. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please visit our nearest Gibson branch for assistance.

Our Gibson branch is now open. Thank you for your patience.

Kirtland Credit Union will never ask you to provide, update, or verify personal or account information through an unsolicited email, phone call, or text message. If you receive an unsolicited email, phone call, or text message, DO NOT RESPOND. Notify us at (505) 254-4369 or 1-800-880-5328.

Concerned about how a government shutdown may impact you? Call us at 1.800.880.5328 to discuss your needs.

Current Rates

Whether you’re looking for a car, a home, or a great return on a certificate, you’ll find the best  service—at Kirtland CU.
Here are the current rates for the loan or savings program you’re interested in.

We just raised our savings rates and want you to rise above the rest!


EFFECTIVE: May 1, 2024 – May 31, 2024

*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
3 months3.97% | 3.90%4.02% | 3.95%4.07% | 4.00%4.13% | 4.05%4.18% | 4.10%4.23% | 4.15%
6 months4.54% | 4.45%4.59% | 4.50%4.65% | 4.55%4.70% | 4.60%4.75% | 4.65%4.80% | 4.70%
9 months4.65% | 4.55%4.70% | 4.60%4.75% | 4.65%4.80% | 4.70%4.85% | 4.75%4.91% | 4.80%
12 months4.75% | 4.65%4.80% | 4.70%4.85% | 4.75%4.91% | 4.80%4.96% | 4.85%5.01% | 4.90%
24 months4.18% | 4.10%4.23% | 4.15%4.28% | 4.20%4.33% | 4.25%4.39% | 4.30%4.44% | 4.35%
36 months4.00% | 3.93%4.05% | 3.98%4.11% | 4.03%4.16% | 4.08%4.21% | 4.13%4.26% | 4.18%
48 months3.04% | 3.00%3.09% | 3.05%3.14% | 3.10%3.20% | 3.15%3.25% | 3.20%3.30% | 3.25%
60 months3.04% | 3.00%3.09% | 3.05%3.14% | 3.10%3.20% | 3.15%3.25% | 3.20%3.30% | 3.25%

*Limited-time offer. See and for complete details.

*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
18 months5.12% | 5.00%5.12% | 5.00%5.12% | 5.00%5.12% | 5.00%5.12% | 5.00%5.12% | 5.00%5.12% | 5.00%
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
*APY | **DR
30 months4.85% | 4.75%4.85% | 4.75%4.85% | 4.75%4.85% | 4.75%4.85% | 4.75%4.85% | 4.75%4.85% | 4.75%

Looking for a savings investment that balances flexibility with strong returns?

A certificate savings account could help you reach your goals.

Calculate Your REturn

Get Started

Two easy ways to apply.


Give us a call, and a member service representative will help you get started.

CALL 1-800-880-5328


Stop by any of our convenient branches to open your account.

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. **DR = Dividend Rate. Your deposit accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the NCUA. Unless otherwise paid, dividends will compound monthly. Paid and accrued dividends may be withdrawn at any time during the certificate term without penalty. Any other premature withdrawal will result in a penalty in accordance with the account agreement disclosure. Other changes may be made during the renewal grace period which is 10 calendar days following the date of maturity. A member must open and maintain at least one share (savings) account with a minimum balance before any other account may be opened. Account triggered fees and charges that may be assessed against your account are disclosed in the fee schedule. For complete details, refer to the Truth-In-Savings Disclosure. Membership eligibility required. Kirtland CU welcomes veteran, active-duty, and retired members of all branches of the U.S. military, including NM National Guard and Reserve, who have ever been served by KAFB; contractors, employees, and retirees of businesses who work on or with KAFB under contract with the U.S. Government; members and employees of partner organizations throughout Albuquerque; and family members of eligible or existing members. See a representative for complete details.

Don't Be a Victim!

You need to know about credit union impersonation scams so you can avoid becoming a victim of these nefarious tactics.

Online, Mobile, and Telephone Banking will be unavailable on Sunday, December 17 from 12:00-5:00 a.m. MST.