Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More

All Kirtland CU branches and locations will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.

Our TellerPhone service is experiencing intermittent issues.  We are working diligently to resolve. Please use our Online and Mobile banking services. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Using social media is a favorite way for a fraudster to scam individuals. Learn how it works and how to protect yourself on our Fraud Awareness and Prevention Center.

If you have been financially impacted by the wildfires and floods in the Ruidoso area, we have options available to help. Call us at 1-800-880-5328 to learn more.

Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union

May 3, 2023

Given the recent media coverage concerning the regional bank failures, the Kirtland Credit Union Board of Directors and Management want to assure you that your credit union is safe and secure. Unlike banks, credit unions are member-owned. At Kirtland Credit Union, our members are who we take care of, not shareholders. This means all our efforts are to take care of you, not a random shareholder. This allows us to take care of your money in a conservative, secure and safe manner.

Your deposits here at Kirtland CU are insured by the US Government through the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Each membership account is insured for up to $250,000 per individual depositor. You can learn more about the NCUA and how the share insurance fund works at Share Insurance |

Please know that no member of any credit union, including Kirtland CU, has ever lost money. We do this through conservatively managing our risk supported by sound financial policy. As a result, Kirtland CU is:

  • Very well capitalized above NCUA regulatory requirements
  • Balanced with several sources of liquidity to ensure ongoing operations both in serving our member loan and deposit needs
  • Diversified in both our loan and deposit portfolios, which is important as we are not overly concentrated in any loan or deposit type
  • Financially healthy and growing

Thank you for your ongoing trust. It’s our pleasure to serve you and sincerely appreciate your loyalty and faith in us. If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 505.254.4369 or 1.800.880.5328.


Matt Rarden
President and CEO

Frequently Asked Questions

  • YES – Kirtland CU is very well capitalized at 12.4% vs the current credit union industry average of 9.2%. In fact, in every Branch lobby we post our financial statements for all our members and employees to review.
  • NO – While all investments carry some risk, Kirtland CU takes a conservative investment approach, with safety and soundness as our primary focus.  
  • NO – We loan to our members for consumer products or real estate. We do not lend to speculative start-ups or large commercial entities.
  • YES – The US Government has stepped in to help the recently failed banks and have stated they will make sure all depositors of these banks get their funds.
  • NO – We will not be adding or increasing any fees because of the two failed banks. The government has announced they have special funding to support the two failed banks, and this will not financially impact credit unions.

Don't Be a Victim!

You need to know about credit union impersonation scams so you can avoid becoming a victim of these nefarious tactics.

Online and Mobile Banking will be unavailable on Tuesday, July 30 from 4:00–6:00 a.m.