Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More
Use caution if you receive a call, email, or text message that appears to be from Kirtland Credit Union. Don’t click on links or call phone numbers in unsolicited messages. Remember: We will NEVER ask for your online banking access codes, credentials or for you to transfer money.
If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.
Bringing financial education to all our members.
We have developed a Financial Wellness Center, in partnership with MoneyEdu.
Register for a new MoneyEDU account to earn an entry for one of two $150 VISA Gift Cards between now and December 31, 2024.
Learn the basics of managing money, including financial health, budgeting, managing credit, plus more.
Course Topics:
Dozens of topics such as Budget Basics, Financial Planning, Buying a Car, Having a Baby and more.
Need to talk to a credit counselor? Call Money Management International at 877-311-2227.
Topics that cover every aspect of your life's financial education needs.
Calculators, assessments, and data tools ideal for exploring real-world financial scenarios.
Routing Number: 307070050
6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender