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If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.
You’re searching for a new job when you come across a posting on social media that seems perfect! All you have to do is front the money for training and supplies. Is it legit? Probably not!
Jobs that seem too good to be true usually are. But how can you tell the difference between a legitimate job posting and a bait posting? Location of the posting may not matter since scammers advertise jobs where legitimate employers do — online, in newspapers, and even on TV and radio. Here are three ways to tell whether a job lead may be a scam:
Still not sure if you’re looking at a legitimate job offer? Check for complaints!
Your local consumer protection agency, state Attorney General’s Office, and the Better Business Bureau can tell you whether any complaints have been filed about a company. Just keep in mind that a lack of complaints doesn’t mean the business is on the up-and-up. You may want to do an internet search with the name of the company and words like review, scam, or complaint. Look through several pages of search results. And check out articles about the company in newspapers, magazines, or online, as well.
You’ve read the many resume and interview tips from respected sources available for free online and scoured online job boards and newspaper classifieds. Some other places to look for leads in your job search include:
If you’ve been targeted by a job scam, file a complaint with the FTC.
For problems with an employment-service firm, contact the appropriate state licensing board (if these firms must be licensed in your state), your state Attorney General, and your local consumer protection agency.
To learn about credit and background checks when you’re looking for a job, read What to Know When You Look For a Job.
And remember: if it sounds too good to be true? It probably is. Happy (job) hunting!
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