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All Kirtland CU branches and locations will be closed on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
FRAUD ALERT: Have you received a text message asking to verify a fraudulent transaction? Do not click on that link or call the phone number on your text message. Scammers are using a variety of messages and techniques to gain access to your account. Learn how to protect yourself on our Fraud Awareness and Prevention Center.

If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.

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Four Signs Something’s a Scam

By K-Staff


Scammers are getting better at tricking people into giving them money or information. However, you can still avoid falling for scams by remembering these four P’s.

1. Pretending

Scammers often pretend to represent a known entity – whether it’s the IRS, Medicare, or your credit union – using technological trickery to change their caller ID or email address to make it look like they are legitimate.

Don’t fall for their ruse – verify any requests with the company or agency by using their publicly available contact information.

2. Problems (or Prizes)

Sometimes scammers will use a carrot, and sometimes they’ll use a stick to motivate you to fulfill their requests.

Lottery and sweepstakes scams have been around for generations – if someone claims you won money in a contest you didn’t enter, don’t fall for it.

Likewise, if you get an unsolicited call or message saying you’re in trouble with the government, that you owe money, or some other similar negative outcome, don’t panic. Remember, government agencies will not call and threaten you – if you have an issue, they will contact you by mail.

3. Pressure

Scammers want you to act without thinking about what they are asking for – and often the best way to accomplish this is with high-pressure tactics to create a false sense of urgency.

They’ll threaten you with various negative consequences (arrest, lawsuits, license revocation, deportation, etc.) in an attempt to induce panic. Stay calm and use your head.

4. Payment

If someone says you need to pay using cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, for example), by wire transfer or money order, by digital payment apps (Cash App, Venmo, etc.), or by gift cards, it’s a scam.

How To Avoid a Scam

> Block unwanted calls & text messages

If you’re getting phone calls or text messages you aren’t expecting and don’t want, you can take steps to block calls and text messages.

> Don’t give your personal or financial information in response to unsolicited requests

Legitimate organizations won’t call, email, or text to ask for your personal or financial information. If you do receive a message from a company that you do business with and think it may be legitimate, it’s still safest to not click on any links – instead, contact them through a known and verified communication channel – the company’s website, or their direct customer service number. Don’t call a number you receive by message or what shows up on your caller ID – it could be spoofed.

> Resist pressure to act immediately

If you receive a request from a legitimate company, they will typically give you time to make a decision and react. Anyone who tries to pressure you into making an immediate decision about payment or providing information is likely a scam artist.

> Stop and talk to someone you trust

If you have any questions about a communication you receive, take your time and tell someone you trust, whether it’s a friend, family member, or your financial institution. Talking through your situation can sometimes help you realize it’s not an emergency – it’s just a scam.

You can find more information how to protect yourself from scams (or report fraud if you have been impacted) at our Fraud Awareness and Prevention Center at

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