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Each year, Kirtland CU is proud to help deserving high school graduates with a scholarship to their chosen college or university!
To be eligible, applicants must be accepted into a two- or four-year college or university and enroll in the upcoming Fall semester. Applicants must be members of Kirtland CU or sponsored by a member.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Nicole Banegas
Nicole will attend Grand Canyon University
Benjamin Henrique
Benjamin will attend University of New Mexico
Drew Squires
Drew will attend Brigham Young University Idaho
Rebekah Freeman
Rebekah will attend Arizona Christian University
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Hannah Aranda
Hannah will attend New Mexico Tech
Nicholas Orr
Nicholas will attend Purdue University
Cian Monk
Cian will attend University of New Mexico
Samantha Foist
Samantha will attend Central New Mexico Community College
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
First Place ($2,000): Joshua Jackson
Josh will attend New Mexico State University
Second Place ($1,500): Roman Martinez
Roman will attend Gonzaga University
Third Place ($1,000): Dillon Goodwin
Dillon will attend Baylor University
Fourth Place ($500): Zora Sanders
Zora will attend Howard University
This year’s applicants wrote about the impact of COVID-19 on their final year of high school and the lessons they will carry from that experience into their future education and beyond.
First Place ($2,000): Clara Brisman
High School: Denton Calvary Academy in Denton, TX
College: LeTourneau University
Second Place ($1,500): Madison Sandoval
High School: New Mexico Military Institute
College: University of New Mexico
Third Place ($1,000): Sierra Genné
High School: Eldorado High School
College: University of Colorado at Boulder
Fourth Place ($500): Molly Garretson
High School: Rio Rancho High School
College: either Texas A&M or Texas Tech
First Place ($2,000): Celeste Martinez
High School: Albuquerque Academy
College: Fordham University
Second Place ($1,500): Elizabeth Rudolph
High School: Albuquerque High School
College: Grand Canyon University
Third Place ($1,000): Hannah Linder
High School: East Mountain High School
College: New Mexico State University
Our 2019 entrants each wrote an essay in response to the question, “Choose a book/books that have affected you deeply and explain why.”
First Place ($2,000): Brianna Sanchez
College: University of New Mexico
Second Place ($1,500): Karina Adam
College: University of New Mexico
Third Place ($1,000): Caleb Brock
College: New Mexico Tech
This year’s winners each wrote an essay in response to the question, “How has your family background affected the way you see the world? How will you use this viewpoint to help you achieve your educational and career goals?”
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Nicole Banegas
Nicole will attend Grand Canyon University
Benjamin Henrique
Benjamin will attend University of New Mexico
Drew Squires
Drew will attend Brigham Young University Idaho
Rebekah Freeman
Rebekah will attend Arizona Christian University
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Hannah Aranda
Hannah will attend New Mexico Tech
Nicholas Orr
Nicholas will attend Purdue University
Cian Monk
Cian will attend University of New Mexico
Samantha Foist
Samantha will attend Central New Mexico Community College
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Nicole Banegas
Nicole will attend Grand Canyon University
Benjamin Henrique
Benjamin will attend University of New Mexico
Drew Squires
Drew will attend Brigham Young University Idaho
Rebekah Freeman
Rebekah will attend Arizona Christian University
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Hannah Aranda
Hannah will attend New Mexico Tech
Nicholas Orr
Nicholas will attend Purdue University
Cian Monk
Cian will attend University of New Mexico
Samantha Foist
Samantha will attend Central New Mexico Community College
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Nicole Banegas
Nicole will attend Grand Canyon University
Benjamin Henrique
Benjamin will attend University of New Mexico
Drew Squires
Drew will attend Brigham Young University Idaho
Rebekah Freeman
Rebekah will attend Arizona Christian University
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Scholarship Recipients ($2,500)
Hannah Aranda
Hannah will attend New Mexico Tech
Nicholas Orr
Nicholas will attend Purdue University
Cian Monk
Cian will attend University of New Mexico
Samantha Foist
Samantha will attend Central New Mexico Community College
This year’s applicants wrote about what charitable organization they would create for Kirtland CU to support if they had the means to do so.
Deadline for Application: May 31, 2022
Send your complete application and documents via email.
Mail your entry to:
Kirtland FCU
Attn: Scholarship
PO Box 80570
Albuquerque, NM 87198
Drop your completed application, essay, and copy of your admission letter at any branch.
Past applicants and Kirtland CU employees, volunteers and their immediate families are not eligible for consideration. Kirtland CU is not responsible for lost or late applications. Kirtland CU reserves the right to disqualify applications who make any misrepresentations on their application or supporting documents. All applications and supporting documents will be kept confidential and become property of Kirtland CU and will not be returned. No purchase necessary. Selection will be made without regard to applicant’s race, color, ethnic origin, religious belief, sex, marital status or physical ability. Scholarship winners will be announced on or around June 1, 2025. Applicant agrees to accept the decisions of Kirtland Credit Union as final.
Routing Number: 307070050
6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender