Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More
Use caution if you receive a call, email, or text message that appears to be from Kirtland Credit Union. Don’t click on links or call phone numbers in unsolicited messages. Remember: We will NEVER ask for your online banking access codes, credentials or for you to transfer money.
If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.
By K-Staff
It’s time to start thinking about filing your income taxes (this year’s deadline is Tuesday, April 15th!), which can be stressful to consider – but with a little preparation, it doesn’t have to be. By following a few easy steps, you can be prepared to file your tax return with less stress.
You’ll need personal information for all persons on your return—this includes Social Security numbers. If you are filing your return electronically (which you can do for 10% off with our TurboTax affiliate link at, you’ll need your account and routing numbers for your bank or credit union account.
Most people filing their tax return will need at least some of the following documents:
The vast majority of taxpayers choose to use the standard deduction for their taxes, but if you choose to itemize your expenses, there are myriad deductions and credits available which may apply to your situation. In order to determine the best course of action, it is best to seek advice from a tax professional or use tax preparation software to discover which deductions and credits you are eligible to claim.
Commonly used deductions and credits include:
The best way to file your taxes depends on your circumstances, including income level, sources of income, deductions and tax credits.
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6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender