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By K-Staff
With the start of a new year, many of us set goals for improvement, whether by losing weight, developing personal skills, or by improving our financial situation. An important step toward realizing your financial goals is creating a realistic budget – a spending plan based on your expenses and income.
What steps do we need to take in creating a budget, though? Here is a quick summary to help you get started.
Start by determining how much income you receive (or estimating if you don’t have a steady income stream), and organize your expenses into three categories: needs, wants, and savings. Tracking your spending over the course of a few months will give you a more accurate picture of your normal spending habits.
Needs are things you can’t do without – housing, basic utilities, transportation, groceries, insurance, child care, etc. You should commit 50% of your income to needs. Wants are less essential things – dining out, traveling, entertainment, etc. Leave 30% of your income for wants, and commit the remaining 20% to savings or paying off existing debts.
You can easily track your income and expenses with our Budget Tracker tool on MoneyEdu at
Your day-to-day spending decisions can accumulate in ways you may not expect. You can save money by keeping a close eye on these trouble areas:
Check your expenses once you’ve tabulated everything over the course of a few months on average, and cut out the items you don’t need:
MoneyEdu has online courses, articles, tools, and calculators to help you Live Confident with your finances! Click the button below to visit our Financial Wellness Center today!
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