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Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Ashleigh Munson, 505-254-7008, [email protected]
Kirtland Federal Credit Union, one of New Mexico’s largest credit unions, has donated $5,000 to the CNM Foundation’s Milestone Fund, which supports the Suncat Scholars. The Milestone Fund was created to help first-time, full-time students receive their associate’s degree in two years. The fund provides $400 per term for books, an academic coach to work with the students throughout their CNM experience, regular seminars to teach students how to utilize resources and a $300 incentive per term when students achieve a GPA of 2.5 or greater. In the last school year, there were 96 Suncats participating in the program.
“Supporting students as they achieve their goal of higher education is one of the core values at Kirtland Federal Credit Union,” said Rachael S. Garcia, Kirtland FCU Senior Vice President of Marketing. “Kirtland FCU is committed to community service. Helping our future leaders develop skills today is one way we are doing just that.”
The Suncat graduates appreciate Kirtland FCU’s support. A recent Suncat Scholar graduate with an Associate of Arts degree in Sociology shared her experiences.
“I have benefited from the Suncat Scholarship greatly. I’ve benefited financially, socially, and academically. The scholarship helped me further my education by paying for my classes when it would be difficult for me to do so myself,” she said. “Each of the Suncat workshops and instructor meetings have helped me grow and have given me better social skills and overall help me feel more comfortable approaching instructors. Going to each of the workshops have helped me to gain better study skills to create a better work ethic for myself. I am extremely grateful for the all opportunities the Suncat Scholarship has provided for me.”
Routing Number: 307070050
6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender