Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More
Use caution if you receive a call, email, or text message that appears to be from Kirtland Credit Union. Don’t click on links or call phone numbers in unsolicited messages. Remember: We will NEVER ask for your online banking access codes, credentials or for you to transfer money.
If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.
We all start somewhere—and the $1,000 Jump Start Loan is a great way to lay the foundation for your financial future! Borrow $1,000, pay it back with on-time payments each month, and start building your credit history the right way!
This small loan is perfect for paying for college books, putting a deposit on an apartment, or just keeping in savings for a rainy day.
A fixed annual percentage rate, the amount you pay for your loan over time, means your monthly payments will stay about the same. No surprises!
Build your credit history in a year or less with a not-too-long, not-too-short 12-month term (the amount of time you have to pay back the loan).
Cosigners are parties who agree to accept financially responsibility for the loan with you. It’s a common requirement for those with no credit history—and it’s not required for a Jump Start Loan!
Having good credit opens doors at every stage of life! From getting approved for a car or a home to even getting a job. Make sure you’re credit conscious!
Make your payments by the due date every month for an easy credit boost.
Keep that debt-to-income ratio (how much you owe compared to how much you make) below 35%.
If it’s not costing you money, leave it open. The age of your accounts matters!
Check your credit report for free annually at
Ready to apply for your first signature loan? Apply instantly!
Open your account online when it works for you - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Give us a call, and a member service representative will help you get started.
Stop by any of our convenient branches to open your account.
Loan subject to credit approval based on program guidelines and other factors. Two references from different households will be required. Membership eligibility required
Routing Number: 307070050
6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender