Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More

All Kirtland CU branches and locations will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.

Our TellerPhone service is experiencing intermittent issues.  We are working diligently to resolve. Please use our Online and Mobile banking services. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Using social media is a favorite way for a fraudster to scam individuals. Learn how it works and how to protect yourself on our Fraud Awareness and Prevention Center.

If you have been financially impacted by the wildfires and floods in the Ruidoso area, we have options available to help. Call us at 1-800-880-5328 to learn more.

Welcome To The Insighter!

Explore the latest happenings at Kirtland CU and learn about important topics from around the financial world. Here’s your insight! To learn about retirements, investments and financial planning, check out Invested now.

Five Reasons To Switch To E-Statements

By Ashleigh, K-Staff


It’s the first of the month—do you know where your account statement is? 

If you’re still receiving your statement from Kirtland FCU the old-fashioned way (snail mail!), you’ll be waiting for a few more days. That’s because the process of printing and mailing statements takes time. But, it’s the 21st century! There’s no need to wait. If you haven’t signed up for e-Statements from Kirtland FCU, here are five reasons why you should consider doing it today.

  1. IT’S GREENER – Paper, paper, paper! It makes the world go ‘round. But all that paper means a whole lot of trees and a whole lot of recycling. Switch to e-Statements, and you’ll receive an e-mail each month reminding you to securely log in to your online banking account to review your statement, no paper required. Less mess, less waste.
  2. IT’S SAFER – There is a bevy of sensitive, personal information on your account statement—your name, your account numbers, and your address. A physical statement sitting in your mailbox is an attractive target for an identity thief. Keep your information safe by keeping it out of your mailbox and out of the hands of a potential thief. 
  3. IT’S FASTER – A traditional statement is mailed to you within the first few days of each month. Once in the mail, that statement has to travel through the post office system to arrive in your mailbox. But an E-statement? Let’s just say the delivery route for e-mail is a WHOLE lot faster. Don’t wait for your statement in the mail!
  4. IT’S CONVENIENT – Have you ever needed to check a transaction that happened a few months ago—or even a year ago? With a paper statement, depending on your level of organization, you’ll have to sort through a pile of paper to find the one you need. With e-Statements, you have access to the last 24 months of statements through your Online Banking account, 24/7. Talk about easy!
  5. IT’S EASY TO SIGN UP – Switching to e-Statements is easy! Just log into Online or Mobile Banking. In Online Banking, select Additional Services and click Online Statements. Through Mobile Banking, tap your navigation menu and select Online Statements. Just follow the prompts to enroll. You’ll begin to receive your e-Statements in your e-mail and have full access to the last two years of your statements.


Don't Be a Victim!

You need to know about credit union impersonation scams so you can avoid becoming a victim of these nefarious tactics.

Online and Mobile Banking will be unavailable on Tuesday, July 30 from 4:00–6:00 a.m.