Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More
We have engaged FORVIS, LLP (Attn: Jeff Rosno, 1801 California Street , Ste. 2900, Denver, CO 80202) to perform member verifications. Kindly compare the balance of your accounts on your December 2022 statement WITH YOUR RECORDS. If balances do not agree, please address your discrepancies directly to FORVIS, LLP. Include your name, truncated account number, and an explanation of the difference noted. A reply is not considered necessary unless a difference is noted.
Use caution if you receive a call, email, or text message that appears to be from Kirtland Credit Union. Don’t click on links or call phone numbers in unsolicited messages. Remember: We will NEVER ask for your online banking access codes, credentials or for you to transfer money.
If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.
Join us for our 2025 Annual Member Meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 5:00 p.m. at our Gibson branch. This meeting is open to all members.
Kirtland CU offers monthly seminars, a variety of webinars, and various member events designed to hone your financial decision-making skills.
Looking to buy? Want to use the equity in your current home
We’re demystifying home financing—one beer at a time! Join us at Ponderosa Brewing Company for a self-guided tour of the mortgage process…whether you’re buying for the first time or tapping into your current home’s equity.
Win great prizes just for completing the tour, enjoy a beer on us, and take home fun Home & Brew goodies.
This is a free event (21+ to drink) but you must register to secure your spot.
Whether you're a first-time home buyer, a veteran looking for a VA loan, or someone finding their forever home, we'll show you the steps to take before applying for your mortgage.
Get an inside look at the entire home buying and financing process with the Kirtland FCU home loan team, from applying to closing.
Already own your home, but looking to access your home's equity? Our experts will be available to show you everything you need to know about home equity loans and lines of credit – and which is best to suit your needs.
Whether you're starting a home renovation, looking to take a vacation, or need credit for future expenses, we have home equity products that can help make your dreams reality.
Routing Number: 307070050
6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender