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All Kirtland CU branches and locations will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents’ Day.

Use caution if you receive a call, email, or text message that appears to be from Kirtland Credit Union. Don’t click on links or call phone numbers in unsolicited messages. Remember: We will NEVER ask for your online banking access codes, credentials or for you to transfer money.

If you may experience financial hardship related to the government shutdown, we’re here to help. Call 1.800.880.5328 or visit one of our branch locations for more information.

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A Resolution You Can Stick To: Welcome To Money Management

By Ashleigh, K-Staff


New year, new you!

Do you set New Year’s resolutions? We all have our tried-and-true avenues for becoming a healthier person in the new year—giving up the treats we spent the holidays indulging in or starting a new workout routine. This year, instead of just resolving to hit the treadmill more often, let’s commit to becoming financially fit!

Making smart financial decisions and changing bad habits may not be easy. Keeping track of your money, making and managing a budget, and setting and tracking goals are challenging in today’s fast-paced world. It’s just a $5 cup of coffee here and a forgotten gym membership there, but those little things add up. Do you know where your financial blind spots are? With the right technology, it’s easy to keep your thumb on the pulse of your financial well-being. Money Management IS that technology, and it’s FREE for Kirtland FCU members!

What is Money Management?

Money Management is mission control for your money! It’ a free budgeting and money management tool you can use to view and manage your complete financial picture. Accessible right from your Online Banking account and your Mobile App, Money Management allows you to:

  • View all your accounts, including those at other financial institutions, in one place for a truly 360-degree view of your financial situation.
  • See where your money is going with intuitive, easy-to-read graphs and charts.
  • Set and track goals and set alerts to keep you on the right path.
  • Make a budget (or let Money Management do it for you based on your spending history!)

Spotting trends and seeing places where you can streamline and improve? Invaluable, and Money Management can bring that to your fingertips.

What's Included?

Budgeting is KEY to financial wellness! Knowing how much money is coming in and going out on a daily, weekly, monthly basis is essential. What are your NEEDS versus your WANTS? And have you factored in debts and savings? Capturing every aspect of your finances can be challenging, but without it, you’re leaving a lot up to chance. There are many online budgeting tools, but none of them are as seamless as Money Management. With Money Management, you can custom-create budgets, or the system can generate one for you based on your spending history! However it works for you. And Money Management budgeting technology not only tracks your transactions, it will help you categorize to spot patterns and set goals. 

Okay, you know you need to see all that money moving in and out of your various accounts. But what do you DO with all that information? Taking into account every penny, trying to wrap your mind around your financial situation can be overwhelming. You could try to categorize transactions by hand, but that’s time consuming and the risk of missing something is high. Check out Money Management’s colorful, easy to read charts and graphs that make it easy to not only set your monthly budget but see how you’re doing at a glance. It’s not just seeing your transactions; you need reliable analysis that transforms your finances into understandable trends that you can use to make real change in your habits.

If you’re just taking a peek in your checking account once in a while to track spending, you’re missing a big chunk of your financial picture. If you have different accounts at different banks, different loans through different companies, and even investment and retirement accounts, you can see them ALL in Money Management, side-by-side. And on any device—desktop, mobile, tablet. 

And perhaps the best thing about Money Management? It’s FREE and accessible right from your Online Banking account! Experience your finances in full color, stereo surround sound. Make 2020 the year of 20/20 vision when it comes to your finances. New year, new you, a new path to financial wellness! No gym membership required. 

But if you get a gym membership—Money Management will help you budget for that, too. 

Fraud Awareness & Prevention

Have questions about fraud, scams, or identity theft? We have FAQs, resources, and more to help, all in one place.

Online and Mobile Banking are currently experiencing technical difficulties and may be intermittently unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our members.