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Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Andrea Watson, 505-254-4369, [email protected]
The Nominating Committee has selected nominees to fill three vacancies* on Kirtland CU’s Board of Directors. A mail ballot will not be sent unless more nominations are filed by petition. Standard petition forms will be provided by Kirtland CU and are available from Andrea Watson, Executive Assistant by e-mail, or calling Kirtland CU at (505) 254-4369. Nominations will be accepted until February 14, 2025. To qualify, nominees must:
Nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, will not be entertained. Results will be announced at the Annual Meeting.
*In accordance with Kirtland CU by-laws, candidate information is presented in alphabetical order.
Incumbent? Yes
Nomination: Nominating Committee
Volunteer Experience: Mr. McDonald has served on the Kirtland CU Board of Directors since 1982, and also serves as the chair of the nonpartisan New Mexico Tax Research Institute.
Formal Education: B.A., Economics, Georgetown University; Ph.D., Economics, University of Pennsylvania.
Current Employment: Mr. McDonald is currently a self-employed economic consultant in Albuquerque.
Past Employment: Mr. McDonald served four years on active duty (1972-1976) at Kirtland AFB, assigned to the Air Force Contract Management Division. He remained in the Air Force Reserves assigned to Aeronautical Systems Division, and retired as a Lt. Colonel in 1995. Additionally, he was employed at the University of New Mexico as the director of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research between 1978 and 1999, where he also taught economics to undergraduate and graduate students.
Incumbent? Yes
Nomination: Nominating Committee
Volunteer Experience: Colonel Mark Neice, USAF (Ret.) has served on the Kirtland CU Board of Directors since 2018 and is currently the Vice Chair of the Board. He is also the past director of the New Mexico Youth Rugby program and coaches the rugby teams at St. Pius X High School.
Formal Education: B.S. Engineering Science, U.S. Air Force Academy; Master’s Degree, Engineering, University of Dayton.
Current Employment: Semi-retired, consultant for the Directed Energy community.
Past Employment: Twice retired from the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland AFB as both a military officer and Air Force Civilian. He has spent the last 12 years as the Executive Director of the Directed Energy Professional Society, an educational non-profit that serves as the advocacy voice for the Directed Energy community.
Incumbent? Yes
Nomination: Nominating Committee
Volunteer Experience: Mr. Nixon has served on the Kirtland CU Board of Directors since 2018 and is currently the Chairman of the Board. He is very active in non-profit professional societies and has held leadership positions in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), the Pennsylvania Electro-Optics Alliance, and the New Mexico Optics Industry Association.
Formal Education: Bachelor’s Degree, Electrical Engineering; Master’s Degree, Electrical Engineering, New Mexico State University; Master’s Degree, Business, University of New Mexico.
Current Employment: Self-employed
Past Employment: Mr. Nixon has over 36 years experience with Texas Instruments and Boeing, in roles ranging from a member of the Technical Fellowship to management and leadership.
Routing Number: 307070050
6440 Gibson Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Federally insured by NCUA Equal Opportunity Lender