Rest Confident, Your Money is Safe and Secure at Kirtland Credit Union, a message from our President & CEO. Learn More

Friday, March 15: the Kirtland CU branch on KAFB is CLOSED. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please visit our nearest Gibson branch for assistance.

Our Gibson branch will have a delayed opening for Friday, May 3.

All other Kirtland CU branches are open at normal hours, and Online and Mobile Banking are available for your financial needs.

Kirtland Credit Union will never ask you to provide, update, or verify personal or account information through an unsolicited email, phone call, or text message. If you receive an unsolicited email, phone call, or text message, DO NOT RESPOND. Notify us at (505) 254-4369 or 1-800-880-5328.

Concerned about how a government shutdown may impact you? Call us at 1.800.880.5328 to discuss your needs.


Stay up to date with the latest news and happenings from Kirtland Federal Credit Union.

Kirtland Federal Credit Union Donates Needed Furniture to NM Veterans Integration Centers

Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Ashleigh Munson, 505-254-7008, [email protected]


Kirtland Federal Credit Union as part of its commitment to serving those who serve, donated much needed furniture to the Veterans Integration Centers (VIC). In total, the donation consisted of 25 chairs, four desks, a conference table and bookshelves.
“Serving organizations that take care of our veterans is a key value of Kirtland Federal Credit Union,” said Sharlene East, Kirtland Federal Credit Union Vice President. “As we reconfigured our branches for new COVID Safe Practices, we had a surplus of items, that we gladly provided to the VIC to support both their office operations and living spaces for their clients.”
“Partnerships with community-minded organizations like Kirtland Federal Credit Union are what keep the VIC operating,” said Bobby Ehrig, VIC CEO. “We are beyond grateful for these items that couldn’t have come at a better time.”

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Online, Mobile, and Telephone Banking will be unavailable on Sunday, December 17 from 12:00-5:00 a.m. MST.